Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords enrolled students certain rights with respect to their education records. A student is considered enrolled at Fordham University as of the first day of classes of the earliest term of the academic year in which the student is registered.

First time applicants to the University are not considered enrolled students until they are officially registered and attend the first day of classes. Requests for inspection of student records under FERPA cannot be considered until an individual is an enrolled student.

These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review your education records within 45 days of the day Fordham University receives a written request for access. If you want to review your record, you should submit a request to the Office of Academic Records. Indicate the record(s) you wish to inspect. A University official will make arrangements for access and notify you of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
  2. The right to request an amendment of your education record if you believe it is inaccurate or misleading. If you feel there is an error in your record, you should submit a statement to the University Registrar clearly identifying the part of the record you want changed, and why you believe it is inaccurate or misleading. A University official will notify you of their decision and advise you regarding appropriate steps if you do not agree with the decision.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in your education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with "legitimate educational interests." A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official has a "need to know" of information from your education record in order to fulfill his or her official responsibilities.
    1. Examples of people who may have access, depending on their official duties, and only within the context of those duties, include: Staff employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, contractor, consultant, volunteer, or technology provider), or other outside parties under the direct control of the University with respect to the use and maintenance of education records; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student employed by the University or serving on an official committee, such as on a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

    Student Privacy Policy Office (SPPO)
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20202-5920
    Phone: 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327)

    FERPA also protects course recordings, as outlined in the Class Recording Notice and Related Policy.

    A copy of the Act, more details about your rights, and any University policies related to the Act are available from the Office of Academic Records at this page.

    Questions concerning FERPA should be referred to the Office of Academic Records or the Office of Legal Counsel.

    Directory Information

    Release of student record information is generally not done at Fordham University without the expressed, written consent of the student. There are, however, some exceptions.

    For example, Fordham University, at its discretion, may release the following Directory Information without the student's consent: student's name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, Fordham ID Number (FIDN), photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part-time), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees, honors and awards received (e.g., Dean's List recognition), and the most recent educational agency or institution attended, and other such similar information.

    Please note that you have the right to withhold the release of directory information. To do so, you must complete the Educational Record Sharing (FERPA) Block form, also available on the "Students" page under "Electronic Forms." Please note two important details regarding placing a "No Release" (FERPA Block) on your record:

    Change of Name or Address

    Correspondence from the University is sent to the address from the student's file in Enrollment Services. It is the student's responsibility to notify the University of any change of address. Likewise, it is the student's responsibility to notify the University of any change in the student's name. Notification of the University in the event of either a change of name or address must be done in a timely manner by changing the appropriate information in through the Banner self-service link on the student tab or contacting enrollment services.

    Transcript of Record

    An official transcript is one bearing the seal of the University and the signature of the University Registrar.

    Official academic transcripts may be issued to educational institutions, employers, scholarship/grant/fellowship organizations, application services, government agencies, etc., or to students (for personal use). Students may view their unofficial transcript online by using their credentials on Official transcripts cannot be faxed to recipients.

    Students and alumni who request an official transcript for personal use may not forward it to another party; doing so renders the transcript unofficial. Transcripts should always be issued to the intended final recipient.

    The University offers online ordering for secure electronic transcripts as well as for mailed (paper) transcripts. Full details are available from the Office of Academic Records.

    Students may request an unofficial transcript listing courses and credits marked "Unofficial." The University accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of an unofficial transcript after it has been issued.

    Transcripts may be requested from the University via the National Student Clearinghouse. They should be requested well in advance of the date desired. No transcripts will be issued for students who have account holds that prevent transcript release. In compliance with New York State law, the University does not withhold transcripts for unpaid financial obligations. Fees apply for specialized transcript mailing services (i.e. certified mail, international mail, express mail). These fees and services are subject to change at any time.

    The Office of Academic Records may use its discretion to limit the number of transcripts requested at any one time.

    Students who attended (completed any of their coursework) at the University prior to 1990, or at Marymount College prior to Fall 2002, must use this Transcript Request Form and submit it to the Office of Academic Records. Such transcripts cannot be delivered electronically, and can only be delivered via mail (regular or express).

    Fordham University will make every effort to promptly fill all requests for transcripts but will not assume responsibility for delays. All inquiries concerning issuance of transcripts must be made to the Office of Academic Records.